What's inside

Rainbow roses are guaranteed to bring you joy!  These are some of the most luxurious roses in the world hand-dyed through a new patented process. Cut on the day you order and shipped directly to you from volcanic-soil farms hidden high in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador...these are the most spectacularly fun roses you ever will see.

  • Deliveries: Once or twice a month (your choice).
  • Bouquets: 25 stems of rainbow roses.
  • Longer Vase life: Because our roses are shipped direct from the fields, they last an average 7-10 days.
  • Designing: With each delivery, you'll receive a printed guide with design tips and care instructions.
  • Brighter colors, bigger heads: Our eco-friendly farms expose roses to more fresh air and sunshine resulting in bigger, bolder blooms.

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